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Of Acanthus, Acarnania, Caraarina, Catana, Naxos, Rhegium, Messana, Antiochus II, IY, Cleopatra and Mark Anthony, Barce, Carthage, &c.

Drusus, Agrippina, Yitellius, Julia Titi, Antinous, Pertinax, Annius Verus, Nigrinian, and others, in Brass.

Manlia; Julius Csesar, rev. Octavian; Mark Antony; Vitellius; Commodus ; Pertinax, and others ; in Gold.




&c. &c.




'auctioneers of Huterarp ^propertp & t^crfcs Ulustrattbc of HTfnc arts,


On SATURDAY, 10th, and MONDAY, 12th of APRIL, 1869,



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Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale , may have their Commis¬ sions faithfully executed by their humble Servants ,


Wellington Street , Strand.
















Sizes of the Coins Scale of Mionnet.




Inthiimig a fclu







1 Julius Caesar, obv. diyos. iyliys, in a wreath of laurel,

rev . Bust of Octavian ; in front a star obv. winged Bust of Victory, rev. c. cloyi. &c., Pallas with trophy to left ,fine size 8. 2

2 Augustus, obv. Bust, laureate, of the Emperor to right,

rev. imp. nerya. &c., a rare , restored , valuable medal Drusus sen., obv. Bust to left, rev. Eigure seated on curule chair, placed on armour, to left, desirable 2



3 Drusus juu., obv, Winged Cadueeus between two cornu¬ copia, in each a youthful head of his twin sons, rev. s.c. in held, &c., as usual, beautifully preserved, and rare to excess in such state , the yellow brass appears like gold ; the medal is of most delicate Gb'eelc workmanship 1

d Agrippina sen., obv. Portrait, rev. Carpentum, &c., usual legends, highly preserved ; it is difficult to meet ivith this medal in such condition 1

5 Caligula, rev. adlocvt. coh., Emperor addressing five

standard bearers about the expedition to Britain, the earliest medal of this type and legend, highly desirable and of much value 1

6 Caligula, rev. s.p. q.e. p.p. ob. ciyes. seryatos. in the

civic wreath, a valuable medal 1

7 Nero, obv. Bust to left, resting on a globlet, rev. the beau¬

tiful triumphant Arch of Nero at Borne (v. Donaldson's book ) surmounted with quadriga, victories and a colossal xoanon of the Emperor on the left side of the arch, the rarest variety of the Arch type, very fine and of great value ; from the Dupre Collection 1

Bull fourteen Arches are enumerated by Topographers as having been at Borne.

8 Nero, obv. Bust to right, rev. decyrsio., Emperor and

Standard Bearer, both on horseback, to left, valuable 1

9 Nero, rev. Borne seated to left ; rev. the anxoinx. aygysti.

ceres, type 2

10 Gralba, obv. Bust to right, rev. libertas. pyblica., a most pleasing coin 1

.11 Galba, obv. Bust to left, rev. Concord seated, a good coin 1

12 Yitellius, obv. Bust to left, rev. pax. aygysti., Peace to

left, fine, rare and valuable 1

In memory of the defeat of Otho.

13 Vespasian, a.d. 70, rev. iydaea. capta., two Prisoners, one

seated on the ground and the other standing, palm tree, &c., v. Isaiah iii, 26, an interesting type 1

Id Vespasian, rev. pax. aygysti. Titus, same rev., both rare and valuable coins 2


15 Titus, obv. diyys. aygystys. pater,, Vespasian deified

seated to left, rev. s.c. in centre, imp. t. caes. &c. rest., valuable 1

16 Julia Titi, obv. Carpentum to right, rev. s.c. &c., minted to

her memory by Domitian, in excellent 'preservation and most desirable 1

17 Trajan, rev. Fortune seated to left, highly patinated ; rev.

Trajan on horseback to right, trampling down a foe, as the Agostini gem (1699) 2

18 Trajan, rev. Emperor, as before, transfixing a fallen soldier;

rev. Felicity to left ; rev. Victory crowning the Em¬ peror to left, beautiful medals , especially the last 3

19 Hadrian, rev. restitytori. galliae.,j£m£; rev. poxt. max.

&c., Abundance to left, fair 2

20 Sabina, obv. fine Bust, with the hair beautifully tressed, &c.,

rev. Empress or Ceres seated to left, a valuable desirable medal 1

21 Antoninus Pius, rev. his commemorative Corinthian Column.

Aurelius, 2, rev. Antoninus, rare ; rev. tr. pot. xxi. &c., Victory to left, a very valuable lot 3

22 Faustina jun., rev. Empress as Juno. Verus, obv. fine Bust

to right, rev. tr. pot. y. &c., Fornan Soldier with vic- toriola and trophy to left, excellent coins 2

23 Lucilla, rev. Empress as Venus to left. Commodus, rev.

an elegant Victory seated to right, in exergue yict. brit., rare and valuable medals 2

24 Commodus, rev. lib. ayg. iiii. &c., Emperor on an elevated

platform, and three other figures, an interesting and desir¬ able specimen , beautifully executed and highly preserved 1

25 Alexander Severus, rev. axxoxa. aygysti., finely patinated.

Caracalla, rev. proyidextiae. deorym., Female near a globe to left, excellent coins 2

26 Alexander Severus, rev. Hope. Gfeta, rev. yict. brit. tr.

p. &c., Victory seated to right, a rare and valuable medal 2

27 Pertinax, obv. fine old bearded Head to right, rev. the extra

scarce proyidextiae. deorym. cos. ii. type, with the Modenese silver eaglet countermark, a medal of very great rarity and value 1

*1* From the Bowen Collection, 1868.


28 Geta, rev. pontif. &c., three Figures, Geta, Caracalla and

Tibise-player, at an altar, victories, &c., very scarce. Mamaea {finely cerugated ), rev. tents, victrix., a most desirable specimen 2

29 Orbiana, obv. pleasing profile Bust, &c., rev. Concord seated,

in excellent preservation. Deems, rev. Peace to left, a beautiful medal 2

30 Mamsea, rev. Felicity. Philip sen., rev. liberalitas. atgl

ii. Philip jun., rev. pax. aeterna. Gordian III, 2, one as Caesar, fair coins 5

31 Decius, rev. pax. atgtsti., finely patinated. Otacilia, 2,

varied, highly preserved 3

32 Balbinus, rev. the providentia. deorvm. type, fine and

patinated 1

33 Pupienus, rev. Victoria, avgg., Victory looking to left,

also patinated and fine 1

34 JEmilianus, rev. aeternitas. avgg-., Female to left, with

the phoenix on a globe, scarce 1

35 Deduced As, 2, Caecina, Marcia, both with rev. Prow. Semis,

uncertain, 2, Gorgon’s Head, rev. 3oo> one fine. Sex¬ tans, 2, v. Mar chi Tessieri, pi. xii, dfc. Quincunx, 2, one rev. Owl and wreath ; another of Luceria, Triens. Quadrans, v. M. T. pi. xii. Dncia, Semi-Uncia, &c. 4, all varied, fine 14

*** Much instruction about this difficult class of coins is to be derived from L. Sambon’s Monnaies de l’ltalie Meridionale,” Naples, 1863, a work not yet sufficiently appreciated in this country, but to which Numismatic science is under great obligations.

36 Greek Copper. Syracuse, 5, rev. Pallas ; rev. Eagle. Aga-

thocles, 2, rev. Fulmen. Hiero II, rev. Horseman. Cales, rev. Cock. Sidon, rev. Astarte on bull. Uncer¬ tain Ptolemy, size 11. Carthage or Panormus, rev. Horse to right, palm-tree and o, chiefly fine 12

37 Antinous, obv. fine Bust, tipped with lotus flower, to right,

rev. L. I®. (10th year of Hadrian’s reign), the Bythinian Youth as Mercury on horseback to right, extra fine , and scarce of this size size 64. 1



38 Augustus, 2. Tiberius, rev. Altar of Lyons, v. Strabo ,

Artaud , Sfc. Drusus juu., rev. s.c. in field, &c .,fine 4

39 Caligula, 2, rev. Vesta seated; rev. Nero and Drusus on

horseback. Claudius, rev. Pallas to right. Nero, rev. Security personified by a female reclining, all desirable specimens 4

40 Agrippa, rev. Neptune. Antonia, obv. a pleasing expressive

Portrait, rev. ti. claydiys. &c., Figure veiled, &c. to left, fair coins 2

41 Titus, 2, varied. Domitian, rev. s.c., Hope. Hadrian, rev.

Alexandria, fine 4

42 Nerva. Trajan, rev. Trophy. Hadrian, rev. moneta.

aygysti. Antoninus Pius, rev. ancilia. &c. Alex. Severus, rev. liberalitas. aygysti. iiii., good coins 5

43 Hllius, rev. panistonia. Sec., the Province standing, rare.

Verus, rev. two Emperors, patinated , most desirable medals 2

44 Julian II, Apostate, obv . bearded Bust of the great Em¬

peror, rev. the Egyptian Ox-God Apis, in exergue lvgd. ofe. s., rare. Galeria Valeria, rev. Venus, rare. Con- stantius I. Diocletian. Maximinus Daza ; all fine specimens 5


45 Augustus, obv. Bust, rev. High Priest ploughing. Clau¬

dius, rev. s.c. &c. Caligula, rev. r. c.c. &c. Nero, 2, rev. Golden Utensils on a sacred table, varied. Domi¬ tian, &c. 5, varied. Trajan, 2. Antoninus Pius, rev. Cornucopia. Annius Verus, son of Aurelius, obv. In¬ fantile Bust, rev. s.c. in wreath of roses, &c., rare and valuable. Constantine, rev. Quadriga, &c., rare ; all excellent specimens , worthy of 'much attention 15

46 Nigrinianus, obv. young Bust, radiated, rev. consecratio.

k.h.h., Eagle with expanded wings looking up to left, rare, fine and valuable 1

Minted probably at Carthage ; obtained from Algiers.

47 Carausius, 2; Decentius; Yictorinus; Constantius I;

Carinus ; Theodora, 2 ; Helena ; Probus ; Pausta ; Constantinopolis ; Eoma {temp. Const. Max.) ; Tacitus ; Julian II, and others, including a few of Alexandrian mintage, many fine 86


48 Eomano-Campanian, Twenty Sestertii (minted probably at

Capua), obv. helmeted Head of Father Mars, behind xx., rev. roma. and ear of wheat, a noble-sized Eagle on fulmen to right, fine, of delicate and beautiful execution , certainly by a Greek artist ; period about 490 a.r. 1

49 Sixty Sesterces, obv. with 'FX. and helmeted Head of Mars-

piter, slightly bearded, rev. Eagle, fine size 3. 1

50 Consular. Manlia (classed also to the Cornelia family),

obv. L. makli. pro. q., winged Head of Eome, rev. L. sylla. imp., Sylla in quadriga to right, very rare , in fine preservation, and , as most of the Aurei of these two families, very heavy ; average weight 166 to 168 grs ., whilst the Consular Aurei generally weigh only 118 to 126 grs. 1

The specimen in the Thomas Collection brought £22. 10s.

51 Julius Caesar, obv. c. caesar. dict. perp. pont. max., Head

of the Dictator, laureated, to right, rev. c. caesar. cos. pont. ayg. ( ur .), bare Head of*Octavianus to right, struck b.c. 43, according to JEckhel , vol. vi, p. 72, fine, ex¬ tremely scarce and of great value 1

52 M. Antonius (struck b.c. 41), obv. antoniys. imp., bare

Head of Antony to right, rev. caesar. imp., bare Head of Octavianus to right, in perfect condition , and of extreme rarity p

53 Augustus, obv. beautiful garlanded Head, rev. imp. xii.

act., Apollo (from whom he wished to trace his

descent) to right, a valuable Aureus of most delicate work p

From the Ambenay Find of 1834, described by E. de la Grange.

Tiberius, rev. the pontif. maxim, type, evidently Livia seated, a well preserved representation of the actual type that was shown to our Lord 1

55 Drusus sen., ohv. fine laureated Bust to left, rev. de. ger- manis., a heap of Arms, in beautiful state 1

50 Claudius, obv. mvvs. CLAymys. avgvstvs., laureate Bust to left, rev. highly ornated Carpentum or Funereal Thensa, drawn by four horses, to right, in exerguin s.c., rare and fine 1

57 Caligula, obv. bare Head, rev. no legend, radiated Deified

Head of Augustus, between two stars, scarce and very well preserved 1

58 Hero, obv. admirable Portrait, rev. iypiTER. cysTOS., Zeus

sedent, an excellent Aureus 1

59 Galba, obv. bare Head to right (an example of high state of

art), rev. s.p.q.r. ob. c.s. within an oak garland, fine and of great value 1

60 Otho, obv. imp. m. oxno. caesar. avg. tr. p., bare Bust to

right, rev. Victoria, othonis., Victory stepping to right, a rare type , fine 1

*** Prom Count Piccolomini’s Collection.

61 Vitellius, obv. fine expressive Bust to right, rev. pont.

maxim., Figure seated, rare, beautiful and valuable ,

as perfect as when struck 1

62 Vespasian, rev. Temple of circular form, with statues of

the Etrurian Goddess Vesta, &c., (; restored by Vespasian , v. JEckhel vi,^>. 332), a fine Aureus 1

63 Titus, obv. noble laureated Portrait to right, rev. pontif.

tr. pot., Emperor as High Priest seated, fine 1

*#* From the Lisbon Find, in 1764.

64 Domitian, rev. cos. v., Parthian Soldier offering a standard,

a beautiful medal 1

65 Trajan, rev. the far-famed splendid forvm-traiani, hexa-

style frontage, raised on steps (minted a.d. 114), rare 1


66 Hadrian (a.e. 872), obv. higli-relief Bust, as the antique

intaglio by Solon, rev. cos. in., Wolf and the Twins) an interesting type, in good condition 1

Hadrian kept the Third Consulate all his life.

67 Antoninus Pius, obv. Bust to left, rev. cos. mi., Emperor

with globe to left, fine 1

68 Faustina sen., obv. beautiful Bust, in high I’elief, to right,

rev. AYGYSTA., Empress with torches, a desirable Au¬ reus 1

69 Aurelius, obv. youthful Bust of the excellent Emperor to

right, rev. hilakitas., Female standing to left, with the horn of Amalthaca and a long palm, fine , and best ivorh of the period 1

70 Faustina jun., obv. fine Bust to left, rev. coxcoedia., a

Dove, a beautiful and valuable Aureus 1

71 Lucilla, rev. the Empress as the Cyprian Goddess (diva

potens Cypri) less scantily dressed than usual, as perfect and fine as if just issued from the Imperial mint 1

### From the Trieste Find.

72 Commodus, obv. fine garlanded Bust, with the golden

cuirass, &c. to right, rev. secyeitas. &c. cos. iii. p.p., Female sedent, in the usual attitude of the personi¬ fication, with torch, to right, extra fine 1

*%* This rare type brought £11. at the sale of the Trattle Collection.

73 Pertinax, obv. an exquisitely executed Bust, expressive

features, to right, rev. Equity to left, rare, extra fine 1

74 Caracalla, obv. antoxinys. &c., with his title of Germanicus

(never found on the coins of Elagabalus), rev. p.m. te. p. xx. cos. iiii. p.p., Jove seated to left, with patera, &c., rare , fine and valuable, minted probably a.u.215 1

75 Heliogabalus, obv. imp. oaes. m. aye. axtoninys. ayg.,

rev. yictoe. axtoxixi. ayg., Victory, with palm and wreath, hastening to right, struck about 220 a.d., of equal merits in all respects to the foregoing medal of Caracalla 1


76 Alexander Severus, obv. a perfect beautiful Bust to right,

rev. p.m. tr. p. itit. cos. p.p., Emperor standing to let t, globe in right hand and javelin reversed in his left 1

77 Gordian III, obv. Head of the youthful Emperor to right,

rev. victoria. avg., Victory with garland and palm to left, minted probably in 242 a.d., when he distinguished himself in a battle against Sapor, in desirable state 1

78 Constantine the Great, the Solidus Aureus” or Bezant,”

obv. fine Bust, rev. Victoria, constantixi. ayg. and P.T.R., Victory to right, between chained captives, v. an interesting paper on this Emperor’s Medals in the Revue Numismatique of 1843, fine and valuable

wt. 69 grs. 1

79 Gratianus, Arcadius, Bezants varied, both fine 2

80 Honorius, very fine ; Theodosius the Great, fair; Hera-

clius I. and 11, fine, varied Solidi, all desirable 3

81 Phocas, Constantine X. and Romanus II, two fair Bezants.

Cossea in Thrace, the Aureus Castrensis, obv. K02QN., Brutus, Lictors, &c., mon. in front, rev. Eagle to left, with extended wings, on a broken sceptre, and holding a wreath in uplifted claw, v. JScJchel , dfc., to be classed also amongst the family coins of the Junia family, size 4 3

82 George II, Eive Guinea Piece of 1741,^6 and desirable 1

83 Anne, Guinea of 1714,^^ 1

84 George IIII, Two Sovereign Piece of 1823, fine 1


85 Charles I, Oxford or Aberystwith Pound Piece, usual rude

declaration types, but obv. magni. instead of magxae., and with cannon amongst the arms, fairly defined and reaching quite to the inner circle, beneath the horse ; m.ni. plume, rev. exyrgat. &c., in field relig. &c. in two lines, 1642, a very fair and valuable specimen 1

86 George III, 3, Dollars of 1804, one rev. Arms, all varied.

United States Dollar of 1795 4

87 Maria Theresa ( vulgo Abyssinian), Dollar, 1780. Victoria,

Gothic Crown, 1857, edge inscribed, both fine 2



88 William Duke of Cumberland, Medals, 2. Louis XV, rev.

eoxtarabia. capta. mdccxix. James II. on his Coro¬ nation. Waterloo Medals, 2, varied. Minor Coins, all different, 14 (George III, William IV, &c.), all fair 18

89 James III, the Old Pretender, rev. Clementina, his Con¬

sort ; a fine Medallion by Otto Hamerani , rare in such condition size 14. 1

90 Clementina, rev. the same in biga, on her escape, also by

the same great artist, almost equally scarce and valuable , size 14. Medalet of Charles Prince of Wales, 1745, rev. amor. et. spes., also fine, size 9 2

Lots 89 and 90 have an interest peculiarly their own, as being of those identical medals presented by her son, Henry Benedict, Cardinal of York, whilst residing at Prascati, to his English visitors ; the original cases have been lost.


91 Medallions. Antony, rev. Head of Octavia on the sacred

cista. Claudius, rev. dian. ephe., a quadristyle Temple, with the Ephesian Goddess. Hadrian, rev. cos. m., Simulacrum of Diana Ephesia, supported by stags, &c., rare , v. Finder's publication, all of Asiatic mintage , pro¬ bably of Ephesus 3

92 Pompey the Great, Denarius, obv. Head of Cnseus (coined

after his death), lituus and praefericulum, rev. Neptune and the Catanian Brothers, fine and well spread 1

93 Julius Caesar, obv. laureate Bust, between s.c., rev. Eagle,

plough, &c. of the Sempronii. Juba of Mauretania, rev. Octostyle Edifice, v. Muller , Eumismatique d' Afrique,” n. 50, both desirable Denarii 2

94 Brutus, obv. bearded Head, rev. Head of Servilius Ahala,

v. also the Servilii and Junii families. Antony, rev. Head of Octavius, both fine 2

95 Brutus, obv. costa, leg., Head of Liberty, rev. brytys

imp., Trophy, cf Fedania gens , and also the Thracian Aureus , with KOSON., as in lot 81, fine , scarce and valuable , as the following coin p


9G Brutus, olv. casca. longys., Head of Neptune, trident beneath, rev. brytys. imp., Victory to right, walking over sceptres 1

97 Lepidus, olv. bare Head, rev. similar of Octavian, minted

during the famed Triumvirate, rare and valuable 1

98 Ahenobarbus Domitius, olv. bare Head of the Consul-

Admiral, rev. Trophy on prow, allusive to his successes on the Coast of Ionia after the battle of Philippi, of much value 1

99 Augustus, 3, varied, one rare , rev. Phraates kneeling,

restoring the Roman eagles to Augustus, a.r. 734, minted by the Caninii, v. also Hunter , pi. xx, fig. 23, Copper. Tiberius, rev. seated Figure 4

100 Drusus sen., olv. Bust to left, rev. de. germ., Triumphal

Arch, with equestrian statue, to right, between trophies, on his successful incursion into Germany 1

101 Caligula, rev. no legend, radiated Head of Augustus 1

102 Claudius, rev. constanttae. aygysti., Female seated to

left 1

103 Agrippina jun., olv. her Bust facing Nero’s , finely executed,

rev. ex. s.c. in rn oak garland 1

104 Nero, rev. eqyester. ordo. &c. (a.d. 51), on the Re¬

organization of the Knights, a valuable example 1

105 Galba, rev. s.p.q.r. &c. in wreath. Vitellius, rev. Tripod,

dolphin and crow, relating to Delphic Divinations, when he was one of the Quindecimviri,j^we for the coin 2

106 Otho, rev. secyritas. p.r., scarce 1

107 Vitellius, olv. Bust to left, rev. yictoria. aygysti. Ves¬

pasian, 2, all fine 3

108 Titus, 2 ; Domitian, 4, all varied, desirable 6

109 Julia Titi, rev. yexys. aygyst., Venus Victrix leaning on

a column 1

110 Domitia, olv. her Bust, rev . her son Domitian junior,

deified, seated on globe, between seven stars, its great value is icell Jcnoivn, as her coins are very rare and in much request , especially of late 1





Lll Nerva; Trajan, 5 ; Hadrian, 4, varied 10

112 Matidia, rev . pietas. avgvst., Empress as Charity between

two children, her hands placed on their heads, caressing them, of much value 1

113 Sabina, rev. Concord seated. iElius, 2, varied, all valuable

Denarii 3

114 Antoninus Pius, 2; Faustina sen.; Aurelius, 3; Faustina

jun. ; Verus ; Lucilla ; Commodus, 2 ; Crispina, all desirable 12

115 Pertinax, rev. proyid. deor. cos. ii., Female standing, a

star above, rare and valuable 1

116 Hidius Julian, rev. concord, milit., allusive to his being

elected bj his Troops (for his money), scarce and of much value 1

117 Pescennius Niger, rev. victoriae. avg., Victory with

wreath, standing to left, a very rare and valuable Dena¬ rius ', minted probably at Antioch 1

118 Albinus, rev. yict. ayg. cos. ii., Victory to right, scarce.

Septimius Severus, 3 ; Julia Domna, 2 ; Caracalla, 2 ; Geta, rev. Victoria, brit. ; Plautilla 10

119 Macrinus, large size ; Diadumenian, desirable coins 2

120 Elagabalus ; Geta; Julia Paula, rare; Julia Msesa 4

121 Julia Mam asa ; Alex. Severus ; Caracalla; Maximinus, 3,

varied ; Pupienus, rev. Concord 7

122 Maximus, rev. pietas. ayg., Sacrificial Implements, fine 1

123 Paulina, rev. consecratio., Empress on eagle, rare and

valuable 1

124 Gordian Africanus sen., rev. p.m. &c., Emperor in the

toga, standing, holding a sceptre and a branch, fine , scarce and of much value 2.


125 Gordian Africanus jun., rev. virtvs. avg., a Military

ligure standing, of equal rarity to the last 1

126 Balbinus, rev. p.m. &c., togated Figure, with olive branch

and sceptre. Pupienus, rev. Female with caduceus and long hasta, both desirable 2

127 Gordian III ; Philip sen., 2 ; Philip jun. ; Otacilia ;

Trajan Decius, 3 ; Etruscilla ; Hostilian, 2 ; Yolusian; Trebonianus Gallus, 2 ; Postumus ; Valens ; Gratian, &c. 20

128 iEmilian, rev. yibtys. xvg., Soldier to left. Maximian

Hercules, rev. Praetorian Castrum or Camp, t. s. a., fine 2

129 Diocletian, Maximian, both rev. yirtys. militvm,, Sol¬

diers near a gate or castellum, swearing fealty, excellent coins 2


From about a. r. 480 to the Time of Tiberius.

130 Aburia, rev. Mars-tropheophorus in quick quadriga.

Acilia, 2, rev. Hygeia. Afrania, rev. Biga. Antestia, rev. Castor and Pollux. Aquilia, rev. Eoman Soldier aiding Sicily personified, sicil. in exergue, excellent coins g

131 Antonia, Legionary Denarii, rev. with n, in, y, yi, yii,

YIIH (sic), X, XI, XIY, XYI, XYII CLASS1CAE., XYIII, XIX, xx, a valuable lot 14

*#* The legions 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14 and 20 were stationed in Britain ; the famous fighting sixth” remained at York for more than 300 years, and the 7th was with Csesar when he invaded Britain.

132 Others, with in, iv, viii, ix, xm, xvii, xxi, xxn,

xxin 9

133 Others, rev. with xn, xv. Caesia, obv. Jupiter- Vejovis,

rev. two Men seated, dog, &c., fne. Calpurnia, rev.

Eider. Marcia, obv. Bust of Ancus Martius, rev. aqva.

mar. (mon.), Equestrian Xoanon, &c. 5


134 Cseeilia, the rarest silver type of this great family , ohv.

Female, with lion or panther’s head, standing full-faced, rev. Victory, with the round Macedonian shield and caduceus, relating to the victories of Metellus, &c., a wondrously perfect and valuable Denarius , seldom met

■with in any state ^

135 Cornelia, rev. Globe, rudder, thyrsus, &c. Crepusia, rev.

Horseman. Licinia, rev. Palm, caduceus, &c., all beau¬ tiful , it is difficult to find such specimens 3

136 Carisia, rev. Coining Implements. Considia, rev. ervc.,

the celebrated Tetrastyle Temple of Venus, on Mount Eryx, in Sicily, v. Dumersan s Jtfedailles Jnedites, 1832, the only Sicilian medal giving the representation of a building , both rare and valuable 2

137 Clodia ; Cassia ; Fabia ; Plautia, rev. Aurora and the

horses, good coins 4

138 Cordia, rev. Cupid and dolphin. Cornelia, rev. Voter.

Crepusia, rev. Eider. Egnatuleia, rev. Trophy, &c., a quinarius. Fundania. Gellia, rev. Mars and Neriena in quadriga 6

139 Cassia, rev. Voter or Juror. Cordia. Farsuleia, rev.

Biga, with home and Italy. Julia, a quinarius , rev. Trophy, rare and highly valuable 4

140 Cupiennia. Fabia. Hosidia, rev. Wild Boar, commemo¬

rative of spectacles given. Livineia, with Head of Eegu- lus. Nonia. Saufeia, all desirable 6

141 Coponia, obv. Bust of Tybertus or Apollo, rev. Lion’s Hide

on club to right. Lucilia. Marcia, rev. Silenus. Man¬ ila. Eecimia, with plays. Memmia 6

142 Bcebia, obv. with tampil. (cognomen), rev. Apollo in fast

quadriga. Calpurnia, rev. Eider with torch to right, A beneath, fine , in high relief \ rare and valuable deside¬ rata for any Collector 2

143 Cornelia, 2, rev. four Garlands, &c. ; rev. Triquetrum or

Triscele, with head of Medusa, minted in Syracuse. Lucretia. Postumia, rev. Hound, spear, &c. 4

144 Ccelia. Junia, rev. Brutus and Collatinus, attended by

their lictors. Poblicia, rev. Hercules strangling the lion. Satrieni, rev. She Wolf. Sempronia. Servilia, rev. the Twins on horseback 6


145 Curiatia, obv. trigke., rev. Quadriga. Minucia, rev. Q.

therm. &c., Soldiers combatting, &c. Mussidia, obv . Head of Octavia as Concord, rev. cloacina. &c., a fine and valuable lot 3

146 Didia, rev. the Villa Publica in the Campus Martius, as

restored by Didius. Eppia, rev. Hercules of Tyr. Hostilia, obv. Head of Pavor, rev. quick Biga, fine and valuable in such state 3

147 Livineia, obv. without legend, Head of Lucius Livineius

Eegulus pater, rev. Tauromaqueia, &c. Mamilia, rev . Ulysses’ return to Ithaca and to Penelope, tired of Circe and Calypso, v. Antique Gems also , and the statue in the Chiaramonti JKuseum at Home. Opeimia, rev. Apollo in biga. Papia, obv. Bust of Juno-Sispita, the saving Goddess of Lanuvium, rev. Griffin, and round fan with long handle, rare variety. Pinaria, with natta. (■ mon .) Poblicia, rev. Hercules and Xemsean Lion, a desirable lot 6

148 Plsetoria-Sulpicia, obv. Head of Augustus, rev. c. sylpiciys.

platorhst. hi. yir., the two renowned Moneyers or their Ancestors sitting, fine and rare 1

149 Pompeia, rev. the good Shepherd Eaustulus, wolf, twins,

&c. Postumia, obv. Head of Dian, rev. Greyhound at full speed, and spear beneath. Procilia, rev. J uno-Sospita marching, serpent, &c. Quinctia, rev. adjuncts, t. q. and Macedonian shield. Eoscia, rev. Lanurina feeding a serpent, raven behind. Eustia, rev. Earn, all interest¬ ing specimens , in a beautiful state 6

150 Eomilia, rev. Eome seated, twins, birds, &c. Satrieni,

rev. She Wolf to left, a reverse copied on his silver coin by the Gaulish King of the Sotiati, Adictuanus. Ser- vilia, obv. Head of the Goddess Elora, rev. two War¬ riors, or Eomulus and Tatius. Silia, rev. Voting at the Comitia. Veturia, rev. Warriors contracting swearing alliance on the sow, as on coins of Sulpicia, of Atella in Campania, &c., chiefly very fine 5


151 Tituria, obv. Head of the Sabine King Tatius, rev. Rape of

the Sabines. Urbinia, rev.